Looking for a project? MOLLY from Almost Makes Perfect made herself a gorgeous sheek coffee table using Metal Steel as the base!
Image Source: Almost Makes Perfect
“So here she is. our new coffee table. with my days and days of internet research, i found this raw steel metal base for $58 with local pickup. (they now cost $60, probably because of me not bringing exact change) the base was raw steel, so we chose to spray paint it matte black.” – MOLLY
Here are all the materials Molly needed to create her very own DIY Metal Steel Base Coffee Table:
metal base – $58
plywood 41″ x 21″ – $13
spray paint – $6
3/4″ long screws – $1
wood stain – about $6
feed n wax – already had
She spray painted the base and heavily sanded the piece of wood, really smoothing out the corners and edges.
The coffee table is simply stunning and has a gorgeous look and feel to it. If you are feeling a little creative and need to scratch that DYI itch, why not try making your very own coffee table? Check out some of our metal steel materials you can use in your project. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!